Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Til' We Meet Again

How I say goodbye to my days.

Note to self: Capture landscapes with film camera next time!


Since I decided to blog about my life and photography.

I have a very different perspective on a lot of things. Especially when the creative mind kicks in and is joined forces with my camera. I was given some themes in my high school photography class and to shoot my ideas of these themes so here's something to entertain you! Plus I owe it to whoever sees this, I know I write WAY too much for a photographer! Haha

my take on: Change


Two little birds sat on my window..

This reminds me of Home alone2

Ant's Eye-View

I have been currently reading a book called, "The Photographers Eye" by Michael Freeman. This book basically teaches the fundamentals of capturing an appealing and successful photograph using a DSLR (a digital single lens reflex). It's got pages and pages filled with tips and tricks to capturing a successful photo. Anyways, getting to the point - I also read something that has never actually captured my attention but has crossed my mind before. We, as human beings see life horizontally hence when we hold a camera it is first nature to take a photograph horizontally, or landscaped (other than taking pictures full body and such). Well, this being brought to my attention IT MADE SENSE! So reviewing some of my past photos that I've taken from my high school photography class I found the perfect one to suit todays mood.

Today's society is always IN A RUSH! We always feel like we need to be efficient with our movements, meaning we have to always complete things the most quickest and efficient ways. During the busy work days, time flies and next thing you know it, it's time to get some sleep and repeat the same thing again tomorrow. For one, I'm actually the person that's point of view is always in slow motion. Haha. I understand that might not be good for me, but it helps me to observe society and people. This probably doesn't make any sense but I basically feel like a hippy! Haha, to me I see a technological society always in a rush to get things done. Doesn't anyone just stop to smell the roses anymore?

Well here's a shot of Dundas Square on a busy work day (: I wish camera frames were never ending. Haha, watch! One day I will photograph the entire world! .. Maybe

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Puppy Dog Eyes

A lame Saturday, crap weather, and nothing good on t.v. Well except for NBA play offs! Poor pup of mine hasn't had a chance to bask in good weather lately since everyone's been too busy during the week. All he gets is poop and pee-pee time out in the backyard, then back in the house it is for him. Poor Bucky!

I took this picture about two days ago when the weather was actually quite nice, hence the great natural lighting! (:
This pose(birds eye view) always seems to come across as the cute-ning angle!

bask in his cuteness haha

Friday, April 16, 2010

Welcome to the World of blogging

This is, I guess my first unofficial blog. Testing 1-2-3 (:

To start off my photography blog, I chose to post my favourite candid photo of a downtown toronto scene. This shot isn't all so bad considering it was shot with my very first DSLR, my first love, my Nikon D40.